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Riser YAMAHA super FEEL FORGED DX nuovo
€ 199,00
Riser Hoyt Eclipse - pari al nuovo.
€ 120,00
Suit Alpha EX, Eolla or Superfeel Risers.

Choice of a pr of LONG or MEDIUM Super Ceramic Limbs , both 35# LH 36# SH

One of these might be good to go with the left hand Eolla riser also listed in a seperate topic :o but is visible in the background of one of the below pictures.

These were the ultimate Yamaha limb, and new in Japan cost 110,000 YEN in the late 1990's !!!!

Hence they are quite rare, especially in LONG limb. See the 1998 brochure for details, but these were laminated with extreme heat and pressure and hence minmal glue, and were nearly double the price of the basic Type G Superfeel limb which were priced at a mere 60000 yen. Only one Bow manufacturer currrently makes a Ceramic set of limbs (that I have found, and ILF of course !!)

Both pairs seem to have minimal use, the medium length limbs were with an almost new SFF 1 and are thought to have had little use. I use Super Ceramics limbs personally and FREQUENTLY get comments from people about the excellent flat and fast trajectory of my arrows, (that includes comments from compound archers !!!)

$495 AUD LONG limb set (only the second set of Long Super Ceramics I have seen in 2 years of collecting)
$450 AUD MEDIUM limb set
(10% off either limb pair, when purchasing an EOLLA Riser, ask I have quite a selection of Risers and colors available which are duplicates and therefore surplus to my extensive personal collection)

Se avete problemi con l'inglese contattate : jim è un mio amico e posso seguire la trattativa per lui.

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